Sri Lanka is now fully open for businesses and foreign investments, and its economy remains resilient with high growth potential.
It is my honour and privilege to welcome all of you to this event to celebrate the 77th Anniversary of the Independence of Sri Lanka.
On this occasion, we pay tribute to all our forefathers and leaders, who made various sacrifices to achieve the independence of our motherland. As we celebrate this significant day, we take a moment to embrace the rich cultural diversity that defines Sri Lanka. Our cultural diversity is our strength, and it is a testament to the harmonious coexistence of various ethnicities, religions, and languages in Sri Lanka.
Today, Sri Lanka has displayed one of the greatest economic comebacks, after implementing a series of reforms, to build a robust foundation towards sustainable and inclusive economic recovery.
Sri Lanka has now bounced back with a significant economic recovery. The World Bank forecasts a 3.5% economic growth in 2025. Receipts from the exports of goods and services, tourism, and workers' remittances continued to increase. Sri Lanka’s currency was one of the best-performing currencies in the world in 2024, appreciating by more than 20% against the USD. The country has managed to lower its inflation to minus 4%.
With this economic progress, the government of Sri Lanka is now moving forward with a renewed vision, to build a prosperous nation.
Sri Lanka is now fully open for businesses and foreign investments, and its economy remains resilient with high growth potential.
Sri Lanka greatly acknowledges with thanks, the consistent support extended by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), other bilateral/multilateral creditors, friendly countries, and well-wishers, towards the country’s successful economic recovery journey.
Sri Lanka was one of the first countries to establish formal diplomatic relations with Bangladesh. Since then, the two countries have enjoyed very cordial bonds of friendship, based on historical linkages, mutual respect, and shared democratic values covering multiple areas of cooperation.
Today, our two countries are keen to expand this bilateral relationship, into a more dynamic political and business partnership.
I hope that the Fourth Round of Sri Lanka -Bangladesh Foreign Office Consultations (FOC) to be held in Colombo this year, will serve as a useful platform, to further advance our bilateral agenda.
Our two countries have also been cooperating in many multilateral platforms and regional forums including the Commonwealth, Non-Aligned Movement, the SAARC, BIMSTEC, and the Indian Ocean Rim Association.
The close relationship between our two countries has been further consolidated, through regular high-level visits and exchanges.
We are always grateful to Bangladesh for its consistent support extended to Sri Lanka, at the bilateral and multilateral levels, during challenging times.
Bangladesh is emerging as one of Sri Lanka’s important trading partners. Diversifying two–way exports and broadening the economic agenda are our top priorities. Towards achieving this objective, the two countries are currently negotiating to finalize a Preferential Trade Agreement.
Our renewed partnership with Bangladesh includes developing shipping, ports, and air connectivity and we are getting ready to sign a new Agreement to enhance shipping sector cooperation.
I would like to mention that Sri Lankan business interest in Bangladesh is continuing to expand. Our companies have a longstanding presence in Bangladesh and have invested significantly in the finance and banking, textiles and apparel, power generation, retail markets, and logistics sectors.
Bangladesh is also home to more than 2500 Sri Lankan entrepreneurs, professionals, and skilled workers. They make significant contributions to the socio-economic development of our two countries. We highly appreciate the continuous support, extended by the Government of Bangladesh, officials of the Bangladesh Investment Development Authority, Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority, and Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority, towards the Sri Lankan community, for their smooth business operations and employment in Bangladesh.
Sri Lanka is poised to become a leading maritime, logistics, and commercial hub in the Indian Ocean. We welcome Bangladesh investments including public-private partnerships into promising investment opportunities, that are emerging in the Colombo Port Development Project, Colombo Port City Project, and the pharmaceutical manufacturing sector in Sri Lanka.
Education, health and tourism sectors have been identified as key potential areas where the two countries could gain mutual benefits. The cooperation in the Defence sector is progressing well in the areas of training, capacity building, and intelligence sharing.
People-to-people contacts and tourism have greatly helped to build bridges of friendship. Around 50000 Bangladeshi tourists visited Sri Lanka in 2024. The availability of easy air connectivity between Colombo and Dhaka has contributed towards this increase. We warmly welcome more Bangladeshi visitors to Sri Lanka, enjoy its hospitality, and discover the country’s rich natural and cultural heritage.
We thank, all authorities of the Government of Bangladesh, for working closely with us, to advance our bilateral agenda, into a more meaningful cooperation.
In conclusion, I convey my best wishes for the continued progress of the bilateral relationship, and for the enduring friendship between Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.
Writer: Mr. Dharmapala Weerakkody
High Commissioner of The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka in Bangladesh.