Germany is currently suffering from a medical shortage and estimates that around 150,000 additional nurses will be needed by 2025.
The trend of a shortage of nurses in Germany has been evident for many years, which is why the authorities are trying to attract more foreign nurses to the country through international recruitment programs.
This unique initiative, part of the "Triple Win" program, aims to recruit experts from Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Just like its name suggests, the “Triple Win” programme addresses multiple challenges. Firstly, the programme offers promising career opportunities for participants in Germany, where a pressing need for skilled nurses exists.
Secondly, the money sent back to the home countries of participants contributes to essential development policies, And, lastly, it alleviates the excess number of qualified specialists in the countries of origin while at the same time helping mitigate the shortage of skilled workers in Germany.
As the German authorities have revealed, working in collaboration with countries with a high number of skilled workers, Germany has identified potential recruits in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Kerala (India).
Young people who have previous experience in the field undergo a nursing training programme in Germany. Once the programme is completed they are able to secure employment in the country, in most cases.
Several participants spoke about the programme, saying that they appreciated the opportunity and encouraged others to become part of it and subsequently become part of the German labour market.
Ngoc Dung Pham, a 25-year-old participant from Vietnam expressed relief upon being accepted into the programme. Coming from a rural area with very limited job opportunities, Pham underwent a ten-month-long German course and said that those eligible should not hesitate.
Another participant from Indonesia applauded the work-life balance in Germany and emphasised to future applicants the importance of learning German.
Apart from seeking health professionals from Asia, to tackle its shortages, Germany is also continuing its efforts to recruit more nurses from Latin American countries.
Earlier this year, the German authorities said that thousands of nurses from Mexico had already entered the country. The authorities further revealed that a high number of nurses from Brazil are expected to move to the country soon.
Germany has been suffering from a shortage of highly qualified workers for years now, leaving many jobs unfulfilled. Workers in Germany are mainly sought after in the healthcare, IT and engineering sectors, and in skilled trades, among others.